Or the Return of the King. I am heavily into my fantasy worlds at the moment and CAN'T SEEM TO ESCAPE THESE DAMNNED DETECTIVE NOVELS. It is Sherlock at the moment; in the wake of the recent film and television series... aren't we all so in love with Benedict Cunberbatch and Martin Freeman? Brilliant casting my dear Steven Moffat.
I have been unable to load photos on to my computer for years and years hence me not posting anything ever. I find it difficult to concentrate on words on a computer- they all swim before my eyes and dance and give me headaches. Apparently I have a follower now, which is tres tres strange given I haven't written ANYTHING practically. But forward we press. I now have a tumblr which has absolutely no direction as I don't really understand the meaning of tumblr. I'll link it on the side anyway. I have thusly learnt to manipulate photos and create gifs and oh my life has taken an exciting new turn.
Voila; some New York Graffiti and outfit photos from my heavily mod stage. (It has calmed down muchly since then.)

oh au revoir- the night is young and I wish to go dancing...there is time later to post pictures of me posing in front of a camera wistfully.
xx. nico.